Home » » A Pakistani child stands next to his sister, they wait their turn to receive a ration of donated rice , in Islamabad. 巴基斯坦孩子站在他妹妹的旁邊, 他們等待輪到自己接受捐贈的大米配給, 在伊斯蘭堡.

A Pakistani child stands next to his sister, they wait their turn to receive a ration of donated rice , in Islamabad. 巴基斯坦孩子站在他妹妹的旁邊, 他們等待輪到自己接受捐贈的大米配給, 在伊斯蘭堡.

Muhammed Muheisen–AP
Best Pictures of the Week: September 28 – October 5 - LightBox http://lightbox.time.com/2012/10/05/pictures-of-the-week-september-28-october-5/#14
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