Random thought # 1

I understand that every kiss begins with "k",
but that's doesn't apply if you're sucking faces,
in which case it starts with "s" and ends with "s"...


Guess what? There's no snow in Africa but I'll make snow in my blog whatever it takes :-P . I'm very excited for Christmas. :D
Soon I'll put Christmas songs with lyrics.

The blogger, Cyan

30 Days - Nevershoutnever!

(sorry, no video clip)
30 Days - Nevershoutnever

30 days till Christmas and all I know
Is I'm not quite ready to let go of this past year
I have so much to show
One more month and all I need
Is a sign from you, that you think of me
If you don't, than please just say so
Cause all I do, is think of you
And it's wearing me out, it's wearing me down
This holiday, is nothing but frowns for me
But I've got a gift, you see
I'm making a list, hell, I'll check it twice
Of all the things you've done in my life
And I'll send it your way
So you see why I love you
Who would've thought that someone like me
Could've fallen in love so easily
I know that you know that I know what I want
I know I can't have it but give it a thought
I know that it sounds crazy, baby
But all I do is think of you
And it's wearing me out, it's wearing me down
This holiday, is nothing but frowns for me
But I've got a gift, you see
I'm making a list, hell, I'll check it twice
Of all the things you've done in my life
And I'll send it your way
So you see why I love...
Everything you through my way
I know it's hard to say, but it's a crying shame
That I came all this way, with so much to say
But all that came out was "happy holiday"
A home cooked meal and a nice warm bed
Somebody who love a place to lay my head
But I got 30 days and I'ma make them count
Cause I can't call it Christmas without someone to smile about

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Trailer Official HD

Ne-Yo - One In A Million

One in a Million - Ne-Yo

Jet setter
Go getter
Nothing better
Call me Mr. been there done that
Top model chick to your every day hood rat
Less than all but more than a few
But I've never met one like you

Been all over the world
Done a little bit of everything
Little bit of everywhere
With a little bit of everyone
All the girls I've been with
Things I've seen it takes much to impress
But sure enough you go it makes your soul stand up from all the rest

I can be in love
But I just don't know
Baby one thing is for certain
Whatever you do it's working
All the girls don't matter
In your presence can't do what you do
There's a million girls around but I don't see no one but you

Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this

You're not a regular girl
You don't give a damn about your look
Talking about I can't do it for you
But you can do it for yourself
Even though that ain't so
Baby cause my dough don't know how to end
But that independent thing I'm with it
All we do is win baby

I could be in love
But I just don't know
Baby one thing is for certain

Whatever you do it's working
All the girls don't matter
In your presence can't do what you do
There's a million girls around but I don't see no one but you

Baby you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this
Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this

Timing girl
Only one in the world
Just one of a kind
She mine

Ooh all that I can think about is what this thing could be
A future baby
Baby you're one of a kind
That means that you're the only one for me
Only one for me
Baby (girl) you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this
Girl you're so one in a million
You are
Baby you're the best I ever had
Best I ever had
And I'm certain that
There ain't nothing better
No there ain't nothing better than this

New Beastly Movie Trailer - Official


I am extremely thankful for everything I have.

I am thankful for all my amazing friend who can always put a smile on my face.
I am thankful for family and extended family, because they make my life brighter.
I am thankful for my education and the ability to have a nice future.
I am thankful for my house and the shelter it provides.
I am thankful that my house is a home.
I am thankful for the food on my table.
I am thankful for the love and support in my life.
I am thankful for the clothes on my back.
I am thankful for America's past, and all the events that have led up to today.
I am thankful for my freedom.
I am thankful that I am a woman with rights.
I am thankful for the advancement of the human race.
I am thankful for all the tears I have cried, along with the struggles I've gone through.
I am thankful that I have made mistakes and done my best to learn from them.
I am thankful for the lifestyle I live.

I am thankful for everything I have been given, and the great life I have.
My 11:11 wish for today was that everybody around the world could have something to be thankful for.

Today is a day of thanks, so make sure to remind the people that you 
love just how much you are thankful for them.

Don't you know?


Is just a set up for failure.
I can't cope with it anymore. 

All I'm doing is embarrassing myself. 

At least I can say that I came to my realization before anyone had to tell me.
I'm sorry for being such a bother.
I'll leave.
I'm done now.
Done believing.

The Perfect Halo

I'll never be that girl.

The one who's smart and witty;
cleaver and pretty.

The one who's funny and wise;
but it's not just a disguise.

The one who's truly magnificent;
makes all the other girls feel ambivalent.

She's pretty and she knows it;
better believe she loves to show it.

Flawless skin with perfect hair;
to guys, no other girl could compare.

She's too good be true;
you know it can't be you.

She makes you feel bad;
without ever knowing she had.

She's got all the tricks;
always being so slick.

But even more so,
wouldn't you love to know;
she's got the perfect halo.

Memories are all I have.

It seems like I never WILL understand the mysteries of the world.

^^^^ Haha! That made no sense. Just a thought. Uhmmm...  ^^^^

Well anyways,
I just spent a good amount of time looking though old messages, photos, discussions... it was pretty fun. Lots of good memories. A few bad ones, but mostly good. All those fun times. I forgot how long forever was.
If I could relive any of those days, I would in a heartbeat. But you only live each day once.
Then you go to the next day. And the next. And the next.
I have much more time in this life,
and I have many more memories to make.
It's pretty exciting when I think about all the new memories I will be able to look back at and cherish one day.
I have new things to look forwards to.
My spirit just got magically lifted. It's a feeling I can't explain.

Ohman. Noteven.

Oh man.
I was gunna do Tumblr day 13,
but that one's gunna take me a while.
I have too much homework and too many things to do.
Day 13 is going to have a lot of thought put into it.
Gunna try to make it heartfelt, honest and sincere.
Maybe tomorrow, but probably Wednesday.

BTW, picture is bu-boobie.
No one would get it.
Bahahaa but I get it, so it makes me laugh :p

Tumblr - Day 12

Day 12:
How you found out about Tumblr Blogger  and why you made one.

I found out about Blogger because my very good friend, Jocelyn, had one.
I started reading her blogs and thought they were amazingly good.
After that, I realized that I like to make stories and vent things,
and half the time: no one cares for my ideas to be my facebook status, they're too long, or I simply have no  place to put them. So I thought, "Hmm.. this would be a good place! Nobody has to read what I have to say. People who actually care or are just curious will read what I have to say. That's much better than random people being like 'whaaa?'".
My blogger is kind of like a little journal - I can write down whatever is on my mind.
Now some things, I've learned, can be taken the wrong way, and shouldn't be posted. Those things, I now just save as drafts. Although it kind of sucks, because I feel more accomplished when people read my works.
I hope that people will be able to relate to what I have to say.
It's can be a combination of things going on, but usually is just one thing and I expand.
I also add "stretchers" as Huck would say.
I like to make stories.
If everything I wrote in my stories was true,
it wouldn't be as entertaining.
That's not to say that some posts are very true - because they are.
I jumble and generalize things, hoping that that way they can be digested by just about anyone.
Well I can't really concentrate right now because I'm listening to "Take Me Away" by John Legend, and it's making me really happy.


(BTDubs, for those who care, I'm sorry for not posting recently. I think that my blogging is going to be put aside for a little bit. I'll try to blog still as often as possible, but I won't be able to write every day.)

36 photos Of Unusual Dancing Project By Jordana Mattera

Broken Road

I have a tendency to try and fix things that I didn't break. You broke it. Now pluck up some courage and fix it. If you wait too long, it'll be covered in dust. It'll be no use trying to fix it then.

IV Capítulo "O ciclista e o trepador de árvores" parte III

Quando estive a descansar na relva, depois do almoço, reparei que alguém estava muito desaparecido durante todo o passeio até aquela hora. Eu tinha que fazer algo, mesmo que ele está tão entretido a ouvir o seu leitor de música nos escutadores parecia estranho e mas chamava-me atenção. Eu inspirei fundo e fui falar com ele. “Sê corajosa…”, pensei.

- O dia está a se bom para ti?
- Dan-da-du-dim-da-du-dam… - cantarolou.
- Hey, estas a ouvir-me? – disse-lhe alto quase gritando, que até que algumas pessoas assustaram-se, e acenando-lhe na frente com a mão.

- Oh, desculpa, estavas aí… é que eu não ouvi, desculpa… – atrapalhado, afagou o seu cabelo preto espetado, virando-se para mim. – Estavas assim há tanto tempo?
- Ah, não… imagina! - disse-lhe entre risos. – Já nos vimos antes?
Ah, que pateta!!! Que pergunta é essa?
- Eu te vi no carro.
- Eu também.
Que reposta estúpida. Mas que raio de conversa é essa? Tenho de me inverter na acção.
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah… – meditei nervosamente, procurando como obrigar com que a minha língua se movesse porque que eu devia falar agora… definitivamente! – Desculpa, mas eu te vi mais cedo…
- Eu também. – disse-me forçando a seriedade.
- Estás a gozar comigo? – gritei histericamente, são insuportáveis as conversas com palavras como “eu também”.
- O que queiras que eu faça se eu realmente te vi de manhã a passear o teu cão?
- Hum, agora diz-me… estavas a espionar-me ou quê?
- Achas que tenho cara de um agente secreto?
- Agora já não, Cyrus.
- Ah, sabes o meu nome…
- Não estamos apresentados mas já ouvi te chamarem assim.
- E eu não devia saber o teu nome?
- Thelma, Thelma Black. – disse apertando-lhe a mão, como saudação.
A conversa estava bastante animada, entre risos até que…
- Vamos dar uma volta de bicicleta?
- Eu não sei… eu vou procurar o Seth.
- Fixe, vamos então procurá-lo.
Levantamo-nos, apanhamos as nossas bicicletas e fomos a pedalar entrando na floresta que me pareceu encantadora. Seguimos o caminho que fazia a trilha por debaixo das árvores. As árvores pareciam correr contra nós bem rápido.
- Onde é que achas é que ele pode estar?
- Ele prefere as árvores mais altas e com base larga.
- Também sobes às árvores com ele?
- Sim, ele adora se exibir, mas como se exibir quando não se tem público? Ele é o maior exibicionista que eu já conheci… Mas apesar disso continuo a o achar fixe.
Aceleramos pela trilha até chegar a uma zona mais fechada.
- Acho que agora temos de ir a pé. – lancei um longo suspiro.
- Ah, a senhorita já está cansada?! – gozou Cyrus. – Ainda temos que andar mais quilómetros a pé…
- Muito engraçadinho. Mas acho que não é preciso… – retorqui olhando para uma bicicleta prateada encostada numa árvore. Automaticamente olhei para cima.
Seth estava sentado de frente para o sol que estava brilhante, assistindo andorinhas a fazer rodas nas alturas. Numa pose mesmo confortável, a ouvir música nos seus auriculares. Cyrus e eu gritámos por ele, para ver se nos ouvia. Assustado e virou-se para nós, do alto das árvores.
- Thelma!!! Cyrus!!! Assim é que assustam as pessoas?
- Seth! Estás louco? – gritei-lhe para cima.
- Eu?! Porque essa pergunta?
- Vamos subir? – perguntou-me Cyrus.
- ‘Tás a brincar! É… muito alto… - sussurrei diminuindo o tom de voz, até não se ouvir nada.
- Falo sério. Eu te ajudo, confia em mim.
- Eu não passo dos três metros, ouviste?
- Ok. Mas avisa-me se mudares de ideias.
Agarrei no ramo mais baixo que vi e pus um pé em cima. Continuei a subir. Cyrus já estava bem em cima. Não podia competir. Seth continuava a balançar-se ao zumbido dos auriculares, e a rir-se de nós. Ou melhor… de mim!

Imperfect at best.

Never did.
Never have.
Never will.

I won't ever be.
So just tell me now before it hurts.
I don't want to know later.
I want to know.
Just tell me.
Before it's too late. 

Tumblr - Day 11

Day 11:
Another picture of you and your friends.

Donut eating contest at school.
I did not win ): haha

Young Love

My mom just found an old photo-book from middle school/high school composed of school
pictures her friends gave her.
There was a particular one from a seventh-grade boy:

" Roses are red, violets are blue, sidewalks are cracked, and you are too. Love always, Brett Heron" 

Uhm... yea.
I'm kinda surprised my mom married that boy. haha

That's crazy to me. 

Crazily adorable.
I hope that when I grow up,
I still have a little piece of something to remember the man I marry from when we were little kids.
Unless, of course, we meet after college or something.
Not as cool,
but still.
The longer you're married, the more amazing it is.
I'm insanely jealous of a love so real that you want to stay with that person for the rest of your life.
Call me a hopeless romantic (although I do have some reality checks), but
that's the one thing I want to find most in life - true love.

November 12th, Two-thousand ten

Thirty-one days ago,
I thought that one month without you was so much longer than the countless months I spent with you.
But now I don't think of it that way.
My friends have helped me to grow stronger,
and I'm really glad that they've been here for me, every step of the way.
it hasn't just been one month that I've missed you.
I've missed you, and who you were, for quite some time now.
You say I've changed,
but you're quite the different person, too.
Two months ago, today, you told me that you were in love.
Crazy how that can all change in the blink of an eye.
It's hard to understand why we're barely even friends if we actually did love each other.
But the way I'm looking at it now is,
"Don't regret something that once made you smile", but
"If the puzzle piece doesn't fit, it's time to let it go".
Thank you for trying to fill the hole in my puzzle.
Even though it wasn't meant to be there for a long time,
it was nice to have you to fill the void.
I greatly appreciated my time with you,
and I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your acceptance.
And for being able to put up with someone as crazy as me.

Last words in this world, now on to the next.

 You have six months to live.

Imagine someone telling you that. How would you react? Would you cover your mouth with your hands, scream at the top of your lungs, gasp, sit there calmly, run away..? What would you do? Six months. That's all you have left. SIX months.

I went to the doctor yesterday, because I haven't been feeling very good lately. I was running a fever, couldn't stay awake in class, couldn't sleep at night - it was bad.
So I went to the doctor, and she gave me two test. One came back negative. Good.
The other? Positive.

That's what she told me.
She said the results were positive.

What could I do about it? Nothing.
There's no cure for it.
There's no antibiotics I can take.
The only thing I can do it take Advil to ease the pain.
Other than that? Nothing. I'm helpless.

What I have is really bad. I get the chills as my body tried to fight off the virus, then I get as hot as an oven when a fever is starting. Sometimes, I'll have both. I'll be painstakingly freezing and excruciatingly hot at the same time. I get goose bumps from the totally different temperatures occurring in my body. You know how you're not supposed to wash a hot pan with cold water? That's exactly what was happening to me. I didn't know if I was hot or cold - it changed so often - regardless of the weather. 
Last night, for example (well this morning, technically) I was FREEZING cold. My body was shivering - it was like people doing the wave. It echoed throughout my body. My teeth were chattering non-stop. I was curled in the smallest ball I could squeeze myself into, under the two warm blankets in my bed. I would have gone to get another blanket, but if I had even taken off the blankets for five seconds, I'd feel like I was freezing to death. From 6am to 8am. Two hours. I started getting the chills at around 6am. It wouldn't stop. I was crying it hurt so much. The cold tears on my face we making it worse. I ducked my head under my covers. What I was feeling simply can't be explained. It was excruciating. Imagine the burning, numbing sensation you get when you fall down at the ice rink with your bare hands on the ice. That feeling. Two hours. I kept looking at the clock to see how long it would take. First it was 6. I looked again. 6:24. Again, 7:02. Again, 7:42. Looking at the clock just made things go a helluvalot slower. Finally it was around 8 o'clock, and the shivering had stopped. I was just laying there - my limbs were numb from all the shock they'd been in. My head was hot - the fever was starting. My body was warmer, and let me tell you - it's never felt so good to be so warm. My head being on fire was the least of my concerns. I was just glad I got over the horrible chills. I honestly sat in my bed in that little ball, thinking that I'd die right then. I told myself "you can do it, you can do it. Just a little longer." but after a while, I started telling myself "YOU CAN'T DO IT! You can't! I can't. I can't I can't."
Probably the scariest night of my life.

But anyways - six months. What would you do? If somebody told me while I was perfectly healthy, that I had six months to live, I'd try to live my life to the fullest.
But when your sickly ill, easily fatigued and a little too contagious to be with friends, there's not much you can do. Except sleep. Sleeping until the day I die? For six months? I couldn't do that.

What would you do if someone told you that you had about six months to live?
Would you tell your friends? Would you tell your family? Or would you not tell them, because you don't want them to be a fake and only treat you nice because you're dieing?
Or would they genuinely treat you nicer?
How would your friends treat you in you told them, would they stop taking you for granted? Would they be nicer to you and notice you more?
Would the people who love you, remind you that they do?
Would the people who dislike you, be nice to you?
Would you apologize for your mistakes? Or would you take them to the tomb?
Would you want a living funeral, so you can hear what people have to say,
or one when you're dead, so you'll never have to know?
Would you spend all your money to have the best rest of your life you can,
or would you save it all, and either give it to family or donate it?
Would you clean your room, or would you let it get messy?

What would you DO??

Six months. Seems like a lot of time, but when all you have left is 42 weeks,
each week goes faster than the next.

How would you break it to your teachers,
your elementary friends,
your school mates,
your other half
there's so many questions that run through one's mind.

((I had a huge and fantastic list of questions,
but I was too tired to write it down when it was in my head,
so this is what I get.
But I'm pretty sure you could infer from here.
Six months.
What would YOU do?))

OneRepublic - Secrets

Secrets - One Republic

I need another story
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kinda boring
Need something that I can confess
'Til all my sleeves are stained red

From all the truth that I've said
Come by it honestly I swear
Thought you saw wink, no
I've been on the brink, so

Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away

My God, amazing how we got this far
It's like we're chasing all those stars
Who's driving shiny big black cars
And everyday I see the news
All the problems that we could solve

And when a situation rises
Just write it into an album
Singing straight, too cold
I don't really like my flow, no, so

Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away

Oh, got no reason, got not shame
Got no family I can blame
Just don't let me disappear
I'ma tell you everything

So tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away

So tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
All my secrets away, all my secrets away

Breaking Benjamin - Give Me A Sign

Give Me A Sign - Breaking Benjamin

Dead star shine
Light up the sky
I'm all out of breath
My walls are closing in
Days go by
Give me a sign
Come back to the end
The shepherd of the damned

I can feel you falling away

No longer the lost
No longer the same
And I can see you starting to break
I'll keep you alive
If you show me the way
Forever - and ever
the scars will remain
I'm falling apart
Leave me here forever in the dark

Daylight dies
Blackout the sky
Does anyone care?
Is anybody there?
Take this life
Empty inside
I'm already dead
I'll rise to fall again

I can feel you falling away

No longer the lost
No longer the same
And I can see you starting to break
I'll keep you alive
If you show me the way
Forever - and ever
the scars will remain
I'm falling apart
Leave me here forever in the dark

God help me I've come undone
Out of the light of the sun
God help me I've come undone
Out of the light of the sun

I can feel you falling away

No longer the lost
No longer the same
And I can see you starting to break
I'll keep you alive
If you show me the way
Forever - and ever
the scars will remain

Give me a sign
There's something buried in the words
Give me a sign
Your tears are adding to the flood
Just give me a sign
there's something buried in the words
Give me a sign
Your tears are adding to the flood
Just give me a sign
There's something buried in the words
Give me a sign
Your tears are adding to the flood

Forever - and ever
The scars will remain

Tumblr - Day 10

Day 10:
Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad.

My songs of choice are constantly changing, and it also depends on what my itunes plays for me.

When I'm happy, I listen to upbeat songs, rock songs - anything that's make me nod my head or tap my foot. Who am I kidding - I usually just dance around like a maniac :p

When I'm sad, I listen to sad songs. Which is probably a bad idea, but then I feel like someone is emphasizing with me. I usually try to find a song that fits my situation. It usually makes the reality of what is going on sink in more, and makes me even more sad, but it's good to have sad emotions every once in a while.  

When I'm bored, I'll listen to almost anything. I usually will listen to things I wouldn't usually listen to, and try to acquire a wider acceptance of different songs. 

When I'm hyper, it's just like when I'm happy. Anything with a beat that I can dance to. 

When I'm mad, I listen to faster-paced songs. Ones that are usually ranting about something. It makes me feel better that someone else is ranting for me. That way I know that I'm not the only one who has felt what I'm feeling. 



How To Read Palms

Tumblr - Day 09

Day 09:
Something you’re proud of in the past few days.

Something I'm proud of in the past few days... hmm...
Well, on November 6th, my friends and I held a Fundraiser Pancake breakfast, and we made $920!!
It was a very successful fundraiser, and I'm glad I was part of it (:

I'm sorry I didn't post this yesterday. I've been feeling horrible the past 3 or 4 days. And I'm pretty sick, so I might miss a few more, as well /: 
I'll post the one for today, tomorrow. That way I don't have to tumblr blogs in one day. So the numbers won't correspond with the date anymore, but it'll be fine) 

Tumblr - Day 08

Day 08:
Short term goals for this month and why.

A short-term goal I have for this month is to open my eyes to new things. Also to do little acts of kindness, like waveing at people when they walk by, picking trash off the floor, makeing my friends feel loved, and makeing sure everyone is happy. I was paying attention in religion class the other day, and the religion we were studying said that "You can't start putting things in your cup until it is emptied." or something of the sort. Basically, you can't fill a cup that is already full.
I need to empty my cup and open my eyes if I ever want to see what could be standing right in front of me.
This is a month of change for me. Change is my best friend, because it's always the same. 

Tumblr - Day 07

Day 07:
A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.

This girl is my life. She is my other half.
She is everything I need to keep going. 
She helps me when I'm down, and makes me laugh all the time.
She's my shoulder to cry on, my inspiration, and my role model.
She has the biggest and warmest heart. Although she may not always think so, she is the best person she could be. She gives so much of her self to help others. I would be nowhere without her.
I could go on and on. And on.. times one million. 
Oh, and did I mention that she is incredible gorgeous? 
Both inside and out.
Victoria Monet Villa,
I love you more than life.

James Blunt - Stay The Night [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]

Stay The Night - James Blunt

Ooooooh, Oooooooh, Ooooooh, hey!

It’s 72 degrees
Zero chance of rain
It’s been a perfect day
We’re all spinning on our heels
So far away from real
In California

We watched the sunset from our car
We all took it in
And by the time that it was dark
You and me had something, yeah!

And if this is what we’ve got
Then what we’ve got is gold
We’re shining bright and I want you
I want you to know

The morning’s on it’s way
Our friends all say goodbye
There’s nowhere else to go
I hope that you’ll stay the night
Ooooooh, you'll stay the night
Ooooooh, yeah!

We’ve been singing Billie Jean
Mixin’ vodka with caffeine
We’ve got strangers stopping by
And though you’re out of tune
Girl you blow my mind, you do
And I’ll say as I don’t wanna say good night

There’s no quiet corner
To get to know each other
And there’s no hurry
I’m a patient man is your discover

Cause if this is what we’ve got
Then what we’ve got is gold
We’re shining bright and I want you
I want you to know

The morning’s on it’s way
Our friends all say goodbye
There’s nowhere else to go
I hope that you’ll stay the night
Ooooooh, you'll stay the night
Ooooooh, yeah!

Just like the song on our radio set
We’ll share the shelter of my single bed
But it’s a different tune that’s stuck in my head
And it goes...

If this is what we’ve got
Then what we’ve got is gold
We’re shining bright and I want you
I want you to know

The morning’s on it’s way
Our friends all say goodbye
There’s nowhere else to go
I hope that you’ll stay the night

If this is what we’ve got
Then what we’ve got is gold
We’re shining bright and I want you
I want you to know

The morning’s on it’s way
Our friends all say goodbye
There’s nowhere else to go
I hope that you’ll stay the night

How To Become More Popular Without Turning Mean

Kids will be kids.

What is it with kids and their silly drama?
I hate drama.
It's so ridiculous, unnecessary, and just puts a lot of stress on everyone involved.
I would say I hate unnecessary drama,
but all drama is unnecessary.
I've had so much drama in my life lately, and just as that starts to settle down,
you bring it back up.
In the ONE place I can call home.
The one place that means the world to me.
I remember when we always used to have fights and crap,
but we were younger.
Grow up.
I can do what I want.
Please don't get mad at me because I didn't sit with you,
or because I didn't hug you,
or because I'm spending time with my other friends.
Believe it or not, I have lots of people in my life.
I love you,
but please - CHILL.
Just because I don't tell you every aspect of my life doesn't mean we're not friends anymore.
I really do value our friendship, and you're one of my really good friends.
Forgive me if you're a little young for all of what's going on in my life right now.
I need to talk to people more my age - or people who can help me. Older. Mature.
I really don't want you to judge me - that's the last thing that I need right now; especially from a friend.
I know that saying sorry in something like this never sounds sincere,
but I am sorry.
I don't want to argue with you - there's no point.
Please just accept that fact that I keep to myself.
Please forgive me.

Tumblr - Day 06

Day 06: 
Favorite super hero and why.

I honestly don't really have a favorite super hero. And I don't wanna be a poser and be like "OH EM GEE I TOTALLY LOVE SUPERMAN BECAUSE HE'S SO COOL!" or something like that. But if I had to choose a super hero, I'd choose my daddy. He is a real-life super hero. He started Jr. Lifeguard in his  teenage years. I don't know how old he was when he started fire-fighting, but he did that too. For a while he did both jobs, but then he stopped lifeguard-ing and because a full(er)-time firefighter. Both the jobs that he chose as careers involve risking his life to save others. He's better than superman or batman - he's my daddy(:
I'm super lucky to have this wonderful person as my dad. He is my favorite hero. (: 

(He is still a full-time fireman; he is at work for 24 hours every other day. He's starting to realize that he's not as strong/full of energy as he used to be in his younger days. I feel bad for the guy because he tells me how his back hurts him and such. Fire-fighting is not something that just anyone can do. All the smoke you inhale from the fires is bad to breathe and it affects your lungs and your health. All those burning materials aren't meant to be in your system. It takes a truly brave person to rush into a burning building and try to save someone's life. But that's not the only thing they do - it's not all just fires. My dad's had a lot of fun telling me about stories where he had to go into someones backyard and catch the rattle snake, save birds out of a chimney, and lots of other interesting and random stuff. Oh, did you know my dad drove Michael Jackson to the hospital? Just a little fact. I was out of town at the time with my friends. We had just arrived at our hotel, and I was supposed to call my mom but I forgot. We turned on the TV and the first thing we saw was the ambulance driving Michael to the hospital. I would never had guessed that I, along with THOUSANDS of other people, were all watching my dad on TV. Can't believe I didn't recognize the station number on the truck. He had just moved to station 51 from somewhere in Porter Ranch. But yea, fun story :p )

Tumblr - Day 05

Day 05:
A picture of somewhere you’ve been to.

The beautiful Costa Rica. This was at a hot springs resort I visited.

 There were about 12 natural hot springs. This was one of the ones with a bar. Dining while relaxing in an amazing hot spring, anyone?
Pura Vida <3

End of Challenge...

Finalmente posso esticar os braços e relaxar, o desafio entre mim, e os meus colegas bloggers (Manel e Sassy) terminou. Assim como esperado, não fui longe, mas posso afirmar que o Manel é mesmo bom no assunto de blogs (embora me pessa ajuda algumas vezes :)...) e está nos seus 1000 visitantes no total...
A Sassy continuou a postar os seus lindos textos e algumas imagens que inspiram... ora... atrevo-me a dizer que realmente não sei como vai a frequência de visitas do blog dela... :(
Enfim, tudo acabou bem, ningém saiu magoado, e todos estão felizes ^_^
E queria agradecer aos poucos "net-surfers" que acessaram o meu blog, mesmo se foi por acaso ou intencionalmente. Obrigada, thank you, merci, tak, arigató, grazie, multumesc, spasibo, gracias, dziekuje... (sorry my translation...)
Por agora só posso dizer que isto tudo ficou confuso com as estatísticas, e que todos ganharam :P

A blogger, Cyan (totally nerd :P)

Tristan Prettyman - Madly (HD)

Madly - Tristan Prettyman

I'm not surprised that you still call
I'm not surprised
I'm more surprised that I don't answer
Pick up the phone to call you back
Pick up the phone to call you back
Ain't it funny how things work out like that

Cause the time that it takes to open my eyes
Is the time that it took me realize

Madly madly madly
Well tell that you need me
Show me im the only and thats all I need to know
Madly madly madly
Well if you really love me
When you see me leaving
Baby just let me go

Well I've been good, no ive been great
You say you're in a better place
And honestly I might be for ya.
But theres a tone in my voice that gives away my selfish choice
Could my heart beat any faster?

Cause the time that it takes to pass me by
Is the time that it took me to realize

Madly madly madly
Tell me that you need me
Show me I'm the only and thats all I need to know.
Madly madly madly
Well if you really love me
When you see me leaving baby
Just let me go

We give it up, try to find what was with us all the time
Gotta lose some things if you're ever gonna get on by
And who was wrong who was right?
Always end up in a fight
I thought I won, but now I find....

Madly madly madly
If you really love me when you see me leaving
Just let me go
Madly madly madly
Well tell me that you need me
Show me I'm the only and that's all I need to know know know know
Madly madly madly
If you really love me, when you see me leaving
baby just let it go no
Madly madly madly
Tell me that you want me
when you see me leaving, just let me go.

SHINEDOWN - The Crow & the Butterfly (Official Music Video)

The Crow And The Butterfly - Shinedown

I painted your room at midnight,
So I'd know yesterday was over.
I put all your books on the top shelf,
Even the one with the four leaf clover.
Man I'm getting older.

I took all your pictures off the wall,
And wrapped them in a newspaper blanket.
I haven't slept in what seems like a century.
And now I can barely breathe.

Just like a crow chasing the butterfly,
Dandelions lost in the summer sky.
When you and I were gettin' high as outer space,
I never thought you would slip away.
I guess I was just a little too late.

Your words still serenade me,
Your lullabies won't let me sleep.
I've never heard such a haunting melody,
oh it's killing me.
You know I can barely breathe.

Just like a crow chasing the butterfly,
Dandelions lost in the summer sky.
When you and I were gettin' high as outer space,
I never thought you would slip away.
I guess I was just a little too late,

Just like a crow chasing the butterfly,
Dandelions lost in the summer sky.
When you and I were gettin' high as outer space,
I never thought you would slip away.

Like a crow chasing the butterfly,
Dandelions lost in the summer sky.
When you and I were gettin' high as outer space,
I never thought you would slip away.
I guess I was just a little too late, (Ohh)
Just a little too late.

Guns N' Roses - November Rain

November Rain - Guns n' Roses

When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darling when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same

'Cause nothing lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold november rain

We've been through this such a long, long time
Just trying to kill the pain, oh yeah

But lovers always come
And lovers always go
An no one's really sure
Who's letting go today walking away

If I could take the time
To lay it on the line
I could rest my head
Just knowing that you were mine, all mine

So if you want to love me
Then darling don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walking
In the cold november rain

Do you need some time... on your own
Do you need some time... all alone
Everybody needs sometime... on their own
Don't you know you need sometime... all alone

I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you

Sometimes I need some time... on my own
Sometimes I need some time... all alone
Everybody needs some time... on their own
Don't you know you need some time... all alone

And when your fears subside
And shadows still remain
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame

So nevermind the darkness
We still can find a way
'Cause nothing lasts forever
Even cold november rain

Don't ya think that you need somebody
Don't ya think that you need someone
Everybody needs somebody
You're not the only one
You're not the only one

The Little Red Hen

"If you can't handle me at my worst,
then you definitely don't deserve me at my best."

I really love that quote, because if someone is not willing to be there for you, through thick and thin, then they're not worth all your time and effort. If they're going to let you down at a time when you need them most, then why should they be able to be there only when you're at your best? Because really, you don't need them when your at your best. You need you when you're at your worst.
So if, for some reason, they can't deal with that, then they shouldn't get the privilege of seeing you at your best.
You should be able to enjoy yourself without having to feel a constant need to always be "happy", just so they will still be there when you close your eyes.

This concept is in many things.
When I was little, I read a book called "The Little Red Hen".
Maybe you've heard of it.
I haven't read it in ages,
but it's about a hen who wants to make a cake.
She asks the various animals on the farm to help her,
but nobody wants to help her.
She ends up making the cake all by herself.
When the cake is finished, everybody wants a piece.
But do you think she let's them have some?
Why should they get a piece of cake if they didn't want to do any of the work?
They don't deserve it, and it's not fair for the poor hen!
If they would have helped, she would have been more than happy to give them some cake.
But if you're not gunna do the work, then you're not gunna win the prize.