30 de Outubro - Dia de Luta contra o Cancro da Mama

O dia 30 de Outubro marca o dia de Luta Contra o Cancro da mama. Actualmente o cancro da mama é uma das maiores causas de mortes de mulheres pelo mundo, e actualmente surgem aproximadamente 150 000 casos de cancro de mama no mundo, e 44 000 desses casos não conseguiram superar a doença, entretanto a intensidade do cancro de mama vai aumentando a cada ano que passa.
O aumento da idade é um factor de risco, mas há mais risco após os 50 anos. A maior causa do cancro em geral é a exposição a produtos cancerígenos, aqui temos uma lista:
  • O estrogénio (a produção excessiva do estrogénio nas mulheres pode vir a desenvolver graves problemas)
  • O Alcoól, um grande causador de cancro de todo o tipo.
  • A poluição ambiental, dióxido de carbono (CO2) (é nas grandes cidades causadoras de fumo que podemos encontrar pessoas que sofram de cancro)
  • Qualquer tipo de produtos químicos não favorece ao nosso organismo.
  • O consumo de gordura em excesso.
  • O tabaco, e outros tipos de drogas, tanto legais como ilegais.
  • Produtos artificiais, conservantes e corantes contidos nos alimentos e na comida.
  • Exposição às radiações ultravioleta, radioactividade, etc.
  • O uso de desodorizantes antitranspirantes, que fecham os poros da pele, podem causar maior tipo de problemas, e não só o cancro.

A melhor forma de evitar o cancro de mama, é fazer o teste de mamografia, e regularmente verificar se os seios apresentam alguma iregularidade como caroços, inflamações, ou alguma alteração.
Há vários tratamentos para o cancro em geral. Terapias, radioterapias, quimioterapias, medicamentos para o controle hormonal, e existem também grupos de auto-ajuda para a reabilitaçao das pessoas que ultrapassaram o trauma.
Para o cancro da mama, a taxa de sobrevivêncoa é de 90% caso for removido durante a sua fase inicial, para situações em que o cancro estiver num estado avançado de desenvolvimento há 10% de sobrevivência.

Tell it how it is.

That's alright. 
Play you're little games.
You're the one who made the final call, not me.
You can call me all the mean names you want.
I'm not gunna follow in your immaturity.

I'm not tied to you.
I can do what I want.
I am my own person. 
Don't think for a second that I'm going to wait for you to change your mind.
You made your choice. I moved on. What am I supposed to wait for?

I'd love to be your friend, 
but it's all up to you.
I've tried talking to you,
but I guess I'm just not worth your time.
If you want to talk, it's your turn to say hi.

Promise me, baby.

What am I gunna do with you?
I know. I already know.
I can't leave you. I can't.
What if I were you?
No. I can't. You're staying right here, with me.
I don't even know your name, but I love to say it.
I haven't seen your face, but I know you're beautiful.
I have never spoken with you in my whole life,
but I know you sound like an angel.
I know nothing about you, but I know everything.
You're mine. I'm yours.
You're gunna make my life hell,
but your life won't be easy, either.
Just promise me you won't be ashamed of me.
Promise me you'll back me up in my decision.
Be my bestfriend, I'll be yours.
Our love for each other will be the strongest bond you'll ever experience.
In you, I see myself. 
We share the same heart.
We share the same blood.
We share the same flesh.
We are one.
I'll be with you all the way,
I'll be here to watch you grow.
I'll do anything for you.
I can't promise your first years with me will be great,
but I can promise to try.

I'm keeping you.

I'm keeping you, baby.

Mama's keeping her baby.

I, myself, am not pregnant. Although these would be some of the thoughts of a pregnant teenage girl who wants to keep her baby. On a side note, if you read this without reading the last line or looking at the picture, it could also be about a relationship.

Spirit Day 20th October

Smileys and Emoticons

Smileys! “Smileys 4 life!” Tal como dizem alguns fanáticos desse simples carácter de dois pontinhos e uma linha curva, ou melhor, é representado por pontuações e letras. Serve para representar a expressão daquele que o escreve, ou mudar a ideia de um texto.

O primeiro smiley amarelo foi criado por Harvey Ball em 1963, a pedido da companhia para usar em cartões e botões para levantar a auto-estima. O design foi criado em 10 minutos e facturado 45$.
A partir de 1970 veio tornar-se popular na cultura Pop por décadas. Mais tarde os famosos smileys começaram a “ganhar vida” pela Internet, tornando-se animados.

Primeiramente, o smile é um dos vários tipos de emoticons (emotion + icon), e não é um emoticon em si. Mas só para abrir o tema vou começar com o primeiro dos primeiros emoticons que é representado por “-)” – o que representa a língua na bochecha. Criado por Kevin Mackenzie em 1979, não causando grande impacto ao princípio mas depois tornado popular, para começar a grande Era dos emoticons. A seguir temos o “:-)” e o “:-(”, criados por Scott Fahlman quando reparou que escrevendo um comentário humorístico que nem todos percebiam que era uma piada e que podia levantar confusões.

A partir dessa altura vieram aparecer muitas variedades de emoticons, das mais variadas culturas. Por exemplo:

  • Estilo Ocidental
  • Estilo Asiático
  • Estilo Coreano
  • Estilo Ideográfico
  • Estilo 2channel (ASCII)
E por fim a substituição gráfica dos emoticons…

Ainda mesmo sabendo que o smiley foi criado duas décadas antes do primeiro emoticon, não há dúvidas que os emoticons foram inspirados nos smileys.

Emoticons e Smileys são frequentemente usados em conversas IM, e apoiados pela maioia dos clientes:
  • MSN Messenger
  • Windows Live Messenger
  • Yahoo Messenger
  • AOL Instant Messenger (AIM)
  • Google Talk
  • Skype
Pois… tal como certas pessoas dizem… “Smileys 4 Life”…

With You

I can't tell if you really don't know or if you're just playing along... cliche, but this suspense is killing me!
It must be fun for you to kill me slowly, but I guess I can't always get the immediate gratification we desire as humans. I could potentially be making an uneducated mistake, or maybe I'm making a great choice. Either way, I hope I don't screw things up, like I usually do.

I'm diving off the deep end,                                         |
and you, my dear, are too.                                         |  |
We both don't know what to think,                          |     |
we both don't know what to do.                              |       |
Maybe I like the idea of liking you, 
or maybe I like you, it's true.
I'm diving off the deep end,
something I always do.
I'm diving off the deep end,                                     |       |
but I'm doing it with you.                                         |      |
Whether it be right,                                                   |    |
or whether it be wrong,                                              |  |
let's just hope that                                                       | |
we're not risking it all.                                                  |
I know how to swim,
and you do too,
so if we sink,
I'll rescue you.
Rescue me, 
and you might see,
that this was never meant to be.
But either way,
for now let's stay,
cuz I'm diving off the deep end,
with you.

-------- _--------------- -----_____________-----------------

Oh so often do I fall in love.

I fall in love...

A lot.

My only problem is that I

      / A\
    /  L \
  /   L  \

in love with

I'm in love with about five personalities right now.
Damn hoe... 


I have an obsession.. with quotes.
These are some of my favorites:

"Life is a coin, you can spend it anyway you wish, but you can only spend it once."

"You’re better than you think, you’re stronger than you know.” - My Big Brother ♥

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not. - Kurt Cobain

"You'll know when it's love because you'll want to spend every minute of your time with them." ♥

“Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.”

"People take different rivers to get to the same ocean"

"When I Text You, That Means I Miss You; When I Dont Text Back, That Just Means I'm Waiting For You To Miss Me."

"You can't step into love, you have to fall - head over heels"

"Take my advice, i wasnt using it anyways"

"Even when im a mess, i still put on a vest, with an S, on my chest, oh yes, imma super woman. Yes i am." (:

"Do you have a Band-aid? 'Cuz i scraped my knee when i fell for you."

"Love is a two way street." 

"Rudeness is a weak imitation of strength. Try again later."

"Smart listens to the head. Stupid listens to the heart. Be Stupid."

"A best friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow."

“To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.”

"When nothing goes right ... go left"

“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly”

"Friends are like a box of chocolates, you never know which ones are nuts"

"Life is sweet; Take a bite out of it."

"Life is a game of chess, make sure you look at the entire board."

“When a young man complains that a young lady has no heart, it's pretty certain that she has his”

“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” - Dr. Seuss

"Do you believe in love at first sight, or should i walk by you again?"

"We can't become what we need to be by remaining what we are"

"They say nothing's forever; will you be my nothing?"

“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you.”

“Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.”

“Love is like a Rubix Cube, there are countless numbers of wrong twists and turns, but when you get it right, it looks perfect no matter what way you look at it”

"Don't dream your life, live your dreams"


Who da man?

Dwell.. the hell?
Stand back, what's that?

you wish.

I fish.

If I could,
I would.

I can;
be my fan!

No regrets,
just lessons learned.

Oh and hey.. I'm the man.


we don't know what to think.
We don't know whether we should lean left or right,
forwards or backwards,
jump or stoop low,
twist or turn,
whisper or shout.
There's just so many thing we COULD do.
But how are we supposed to know which choice is the correct one?
No matter what we do, we're always going to be left wondering:
"So.. what if?"
WHAT IF that had happened?
WHAT IF that never happened?
WHAT IF I had done that?
WHAT IF she had done that, he had done that, they had done that?
WHAT IF I was...
WHAT IF he had...

freakin' WHAT IF.
I wish that life had a remote control.
We could rewind; and try walking the other path.
See what happens. See that "what if" of the situation.
Sometimes we make the wrong choices. But honestly? We're only human. No one's perfect.
Throughout the entirety of our lives, we will be making mistakes. But at the same time, don't forget that a lot of our choices can be good, too!
We could pause; take some time to think about what we will say or do, think about how we will act.
We could record; all the good memories would be stored in the back of our mind, and whenever we need a little pick-me-up, they'd be there - waiting for us to replay them.
We could mute; because sometimes, there's just those times when you can't stand the world, and you simply want everyone to SHUT UP!
We could change channels; if we didn't like what was going on in our lives, we would be able to change the mood and twist things up.
We could play; plain and simple. The one action we already can do. We could play all the happy moments, and maybe choose only those moments to play.

The one thing we would never chose is the stop button. Hopefully, no matter how down you're feeling, you would never even ponder the idea. If we had all these other buttons, we wouldn't need a stop button. Or would we? Sometimes I wonder which is better.. life with or without a remote?

Train - Hey, Soul Sister

Hey Soul Sister - Train

Hey, hey, hey
Your lipstick stains
On the front lobe of my left side brains
I knew I wouldn't forget you
And so I went and let you blow my mind

Your sweet moonbeam
The smell of you in every single dream I dream
I knew when we collided
You're the one I have decided who's one of my kind

Hey, soul sister
Ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio stereo
The way you move ain't fair, you know

Hey, soul sister
I don't wanna miss a single thing you do

Hey, hey, hey
Just in time, I'm so glad
You have a one track mind like me
You gave my life direction
A game show love connection
We can't deny

I'm so obsessed
My heart is bound to beat
Right out my untrimmed chest
I believe in you
Like a virgin, you're Madonna
And I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind

Hey, soul sister
Ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio stereo
The way you move ain't fair, you know

Hey, soul sister
I don't wanna miss a single thing you do

The way you can cut a rug
Watching you're the only drug I need
You're so gangsta, I'm so thug
You're the only one I'm dreaming of you, see

I can be myself now finally
In fact there's nothing I can't be
I want the world to see you be
With me

Hey, soul sister
Ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio stereo
The way you move ain't fair, you know

Hey, soul sister
I don't wanna miss a single thing you do

Hey, soul sister
I don't wanna miss a single thing you do

Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey


Hi, my name is Rebecca. Your name cannot be disclosed. And...

I like you (:

You're always really funny - you make me laugh a lot.
You're a complete sweetheart - everything you do makes me smile.
You're smart - who doesn't love intelligence?
You're classic - a great model of how every guy should act.
You're laid back - you're up for any adventures I want to go on.

I have a problem with deciphering friends from more that friends.

I like you, but I don't love you like that.
I love you, but I don't like you like that.

Does that even make sense?

Either way, I'm glad that we are friends (:

Sweet Sixteen :D

Kiss - Dublado e Legendado

15 de Outubro - Dia da bengala branca

Andei muito ocupada esta semanha com as ideias atropeladas na minha cabeça. Pensando também em alguns temas para vir partilhar com vocês. Porém hoje finalmente consegui um tempo a sós com um computador com internet acessível.

A uma semana que eu e um grupo de alunos de psicologia da minha escola, pela inssistência da nossa professora, estamos a inforar-nos e preparar-nos para fazer com que o dia 15 de Outubro nao passe despercebido. Estávamos decididos que íamos criar uma peça de teatro, entrevistas, folhetos informativos, cartazes e atémesmo rodar um filme de curta-metragem. Alguns alunos até se ofereceram para ficar quase uma hora de olhos vendados para poder ter uma mínima ideia de o que é não ter a capaciade de visão.

Entretanto fomos visitar uma associaçao de deficientes locais, a qual esteve com actividades hoje. Conhecemos alguns deficientes visuais que nos contaram um pouco da sua história de vida.

Enfim, entrando no assunto, a bengala branca representa a paz entre os cegos, uma ajuda díaria para eles.

O filme que apresentamos na escola já está aqui no blog. Espero que gostem.

(editarei mais informações em breve, assim que estiver disponível)

I get so high...

as if no one knew this before...
but I get such a high off of laughing.
Once I start, it never stops.
Tonight I was at dinner with my family - classic amazing moments.
Even though I may not always show it, or may not always feel it, I love my family more than words can say.
My mother is the funniest person I know.
She's my hero.
I honestly wish to be like her one day.
My dad's pretty swell too.
I look up to him with pretty much everything.
Although he may be a little slow at times, he can actually
be quite good with helping me. I wish to be like my dad as well.
point is,
there people make me laugh so much.
They remind me of everything I have, and how good my life is.
I've got friends and family who love me, and would do just about anything for me.
Wait.. no.. that's not the point.. entirely.. SORRY! Getting off subject.
Laughing. My absolute favorite thing to do.

I LOVE laughing,
Laughing so much that I cry,
Laughing so much that I feel like I just did 100 crunches.
Laughing so hard I can't even breathe.
Laughing so hard I can't even speak.
I LOVE laughing.

And once it starts, it's not something you can stop.
Just like smiling, it's too contagious. Even to yourself.
If I laugh once, it usually doesn't end for another good 5 or 10 minutes.

There's too many things to enjoy in this life.
Why waste time being sad?

I stay true to the quote of my life:

You've gotta find the right fit.

Sometimes it's hard for us to wear a smile.
Our face is usually just plain.
Not necessarily a frown, but not necessarily a smile.

But who want's a stick face? 

That's simply no fun. :|

It's all about smiling!
Sometimes though, we find it hard to smile.
Usually we smile for a reason.
Sometimes we smile just because.
Personally, I like to smile.
It's my favorite thing to do.
If smiling were a sport, it'd be the one sport I'm good at.

The tough thing about smiling though, is we usually need a reason to smile.
Otherwise we're just standing there with a smile on our face, lookin' kinda dumb.
There's so many things that make me smile.
But most of all, it's my friends.
Friends, friends, friends.
I have the best friends in the world,
there's never a time when I'm with them, and there isn't a smile on my face.

But some people may find it hard to smile.
Most people go through rough times, but some more than others.
Why dwell on something silly, when there's people out there who have it way worse than you?
You simply have to find the right fit.
Just like a pair of good jeans.
You have to find something to smile about.
A day without a smile is a day wasted.
You have to remember that other people won't love you until you love yourself first,
so make sure to love yourself. Give yourself some extra pampering. It's YOUR life.
Spend some time on YOU.
Eveybody needs to feel on top of the world sometimes.
Just remember to smile, and others will smile too.
Smiling is contagious. (:


Jump High Fives

There's this amazing person named Adam.
And this other person named Rebecca.
One day, Adam told Rebecca about something called a "jump high-five".
Rebecca, not knowing what it was, was intrigued by thought of jumping and high-five-ing at the same time.
Little did she know the power of a jump high-five, and how much it would improve her life.
So while talking on facebook chat one day, 
Adam and Rebecca discussed their plan for Rebecca's first jump high-five experience of her life.
The next day, Adam and Rebecca did not see each other at school :O
This was definitely devastating. Just the thought that the jump high-five had to be ... *gasp*.. postponed!!  

Rebecca's birthday was soon approaching, and the next jump high-five was planned for this day. 
Soon she would realize that it was the most amazing birthday present ever. 
So on the 6th day of October, Rebecca walks up to Adam, he stands up, walks over, and the count down for the jump high-five begins...
Adam suddenly jumps and Rebecca is caught in a daze, for she doesn't know what to do, being it is her first time jump high-five-ing. Adam lands back on the ground, and is determined to have a successful jump high-five with Rebecca.
So they try again...
They both jump into the air, the momentum of the jump giving a slight rush of adrenaline. 
And they high five.. mid-jump!
They land back on the ground, the first jump high-five of Rebecca's life a complete success.
Now whenever Adam and Rebecca see each other, it's a ritual. A jump high-five must be performed!!
You seriously have no idea how cool a jump high-five until you've experience one.. 
Rebecca would love to thank Adam for the amazing addition of jump high-fives into her life!
Also for their newly found friendship.

Kisses, baby.

I can say that I have kissed....
  • In a dark alley 
  • On an airplane
  • In a limo
  • On the top of a ferris wheel
  • In a jacuzzi
  • Under water
  • At a dance
  • On a picnic 
  • At the park
  • With icing on my nose
  • On my birthday
  • With whip cream on my face
  • In a movie theater
  • With pop rocks
  • At Universal
  • In the rain
  • At Knott's Scary Farm
  • During sunset
  • On railroad tracks
  • On a couch
  • In a car
  • On a water ride
  • In the dark
  • On a roller coaster 
  • Three people in one night 
  • Someone currently in college
  • Someone currently in high school
  • Someone currently in middle school
I want to kiss....
  • While laying under the stars 
  • Spiderman kiss
  • During sunset at the beach
  • In a pool at night
  • While slow dancing
  • In pouring rain
  • While snuggling on the couch  

Emotion Over Text

Emotion Over A Text Message.
It's hard.
It's hard to transfer what you're trying to say.
You have to account for tone of voice, sarcasm level, pronunciation, and so much more.
Sometimes if you're smart, you can creatively find a way to portray what you're trying to say.


youuu cannn alllllllso add some eeextra letteeers to show that yoooou're dragging your wordssss.

you. can. add. periods. to. the. end. of. each. word. to. make. the. person. read. it. and. sound. funny.

0or lyke yew cain spell thangs kynda rrong sew thut ett is prununced diff'r'ntly.
((just make sure that the person knows that that's what you're doing. otherwise they're gunna think you're really stupid and can't spell. ))

()r y0u c@n u$e $Y/\/\B0L$ && /\/u/\/\B3r$ t() \/\/r!t3 \/\/()Rd$

However you do it, there's most likely a way.
There's also subext *cough cough*
and words in astrics.

But, even with all these ways,
it's still better to just talk in person whenever possible.
There's also over the phone, but then you're
still missing facial expressions (which you can do over text.. well some)
and body language.

I want... a gentleman

I want a boy.
I want a boy who will hold me close.
I want a boy who will pull out my chair.
I want a boy who will tell me I'm pretty when I feel the exact opposite.
I want a boy who will tell me I'm beautiful when I kinda think I look good for once.
I want a boy who will hold my hand when I'm scared.
I want a boy who will be my shoulder to cry on.
I want a boy who will give me a flower, just because he loves me.
I want a boy who will kiss me in a room full of people and not care if people stare.

A boy who has a wild side.
     Someone who can get loose
  and knows how to have
                a good time.
A boy who will grind with me,
   even if it's a school dance
 and teachers are
           Someone who
  won't be lame.
    Someone who will
  make me feel
       like I'm loved.

I want a gentleman.

IV Capítulo "O ciclista e o trepador de árvores" parte II

- Olá, tudo bem aí?

- Olá, estou a ver que tu e teu amigo também vão para o acampamento. – saudei nervosamente. Acho que com certeza eu tinha um sorriso de orelha a orelha.

- É claro que vamos. Quem é que não vai aproveitar um dia destes a fazer algo que goste? – desta vez não foi o rapaz que estava sentado ao meu lado que disse, mas sim o rapaz da bicicleta. Nesse momento estava a entrar na pickup, sem prestar atenção para quem estava a falar. “Não... Concentra-te miúda!” pensei impaciente, quase a rasgar as minhas bermudas camufladas graças aos nervos.

– Não é? - ele virou-se para mim para ver com quem é que a conversa estava animada. A sua sobrancelha levantou-se um pouco mais do que a outra quando olhou para mim.

- Pronto para a viagem, Cyrus? – perguntou-lhe o seu parceiro.

- Não… não sei… está meio calor aqui dentro…

- Oh, não te preocupes! Vinte e sete graus não fazem mal a ninguém… Hoje o dia vai ser bom! – confortei-lhe, enquanto ele sorria para a janela, a seguir pus-me a ler a revista jovem do mês, tentando distrair-me.

Não deu para perceber mas acho que ele estava meio nervoso durante a viagem, mas virou-se para mim algumas vezes. O amigo dele continuava a mastigar, ora uma sanduíche, ora uma pastilha. Foram mais ou menos duas horas de pressão para ele. Não para mim porque eu estava me sentindo serena, apenas a espera de uma hora para poder o atacar. À frente o casal rebelde não ligava nenhuma aos seus passageiros e iam muito felizes. Mas o silêncio transbordava no carro, até que…

- Então, rapariga. Vives aqui por muito tempo? Chamo-me Seth Dorian e tu?

- Sou Thelma Black. Sempre vivi aqui e sou eu que vos vejo pela primeira vez.

- Pois, morávamos apenas a uns sete quarteirões da nossa casa actual. Normalmente passamos quase o dia todo trancados em casa a ver a televisão ou a jogar no computador. É muito divertido, já experimentaste?

- Sim, da última vez que fiz isso fiquei enjoada, esfomeada e com falta de apetite… foi meio esquisito.

- Hum…

A conversa acabou no mesmo momento. Eu dei um ponto final muito irregular. Não que eu não quisesse falar com esse rapaz simpático, Seth, mas eu ainda estava focada nos acontecimentos da manhã.

Percebi quando chegámos quando entramos numa clareira, com tendas montadas e alguns jovens a arrumar as coisas, assim como Cassie, que estava radiante. Mal o motor do carro foi desligado o tal rapaz, o Cyrus, ou lá como se chamava, disparou do carro e apanhou a sua bicicleta.

- Seth, o teu amiguinho parece excitado para o acampamento.

- Nem imaginas, ele adora a Natureza e deve estar a sentir-se in the zone. Quando vê algo interessante é como se estivesse hipnotizado. Agarra na sua máquina e “zás!”, “zás!”, percebes?

- Ah, fotografias... O que vais fazer hoje no acampamento?

- Vou explorar a floresta.

- Também eu… quer dizer, posso ir contigo? – foi engraçado estar com ele, mas o estilo é mesmo animal.

- Claro! Vamos trepar as árvores. E depois podemos nos entregar aos desportos radicais. Vou correr com a minha bicicleta.

- Eu também. Parece mais entusiasmante fazer isso na floresta, vamos juntos?

- Claro! É um prazer em acompanhá-la nesse percurso.

Sorri-lhe. Ele era muito divertido, e me levantou o astral imediatamente.

Fui cumprimentar a Cassie. Ele parecia mesmo feliz com a sua vida independente, apresentou-me o seu namorado, e anunciou-me que estavam noivos. Stewart fez-lhe a proposta na noite passada, no jantar na cidade. Dei-lhe os parabéns e desejei-lhe felicidades.

A hora já estava a chegar para o meio-dia e já podíamos sentir o cheiro do barbecue, e rapidamente os nossos estômagos começaram a queixar.

O almoço foi muito alegre. Estávamos sentados em círculo e eu estava junto com Seth. Ele me explicou que come muito quando está ansioso, e não foi só isso que me fez rir. Ele se pôs no meio do círculo e pôs-se a contar anedotas e histórias de partir o coco. Mas faltava alguém.